Tamboo Academy & Radiant Images Workshops
2021 Calendar
All courses and workshops are residential in Knysna. Lectures are in Cape Town. Women’s Tygress initiations are held at diverse locations.
Foundation workshops are for beginners and advanced students. Intermediate workshops have entry requirements. Foundation indicated *, Intermediate **.
A3 & A5 refer to study courses in Archetypal Philosophy and Psychotherapy, held in Knysna. These are only open for those who are already part of these classes.
^^ refers to the Moon Tygress Woman’s Mystery School held in diverse locations. For more information, contact Bianca: bianca.m.rohrig@gmail.com
If you are new to this community and interested in the teachings, there are six points through the year to begin your learning. These are indicated with *.
2021 this is the calendar for knysna
19-24: A3 /1: Dreaming in Blue: Creative Dialogues.
05-10: ** Kadeisha 3 Kintsugi: The Golden Repair. 5 days.
12-14: ^^ Moon Tygress: The Sapphire Gate Return. 3 days.
16-21: A5/1: Longing Speaks Louder Than Words: Body-as-Image.
23-28: *Kabbalah 1: The Work of Creation and the Circles of Time. 5 days.
14-21: **Alchemy 2: Mining, Smelting & Forging: The Perversion of Nature. 7 days.
23-28: A4/3: The Katabasis: Disintegration & the Rapture into Maturity.
06-11: A3/2: The Waters of the Moon: The Mysteries of the Great Mother.
13-18: A5/2: Shadow Speaks Louder Than Words: The Emotions of Images.
23-25: ^^ Moon Tygress: The Ruby Gate. 3 days.
18-20: *Living Your Own Mythology (Cape Town. Weekend. Non-residential)
22-27: **Creativity 3: Poetry in Motion. 5 days.
03-08: A3/3: Our Father: Masculine Paradigms of Violence, Sex and Religion.
10-15: A5/3: Dreams Speak Louder Than Words: Polytheistic Identity and Memory.
21-28: *Kadeisha 1: Tantra, Taoism & the Practice of Sacred Sexuality. 7 days.
18-23: **Creativity 2: Kinetic Stillness. 5 days.
24-26. : ^^ Moon Tygress: The Onyx Gate. 3 days.
01-03: The Inner Lovers: Anima & Animus. Weekend Cape Town.
09-14: A3/4: The Family That Preys Together: Mom, Dad, Oedipus and Incest.
15-19: ^^ Moon Tygress: Women Walking Wild. 4 days.
23-29: **Shaman 2: Dreaming the Crystal Body. 6 days.
02-07: ^^ Moon Tygress: The Emerald Gate. 5 days.
09-14: A5/4: Silence Speaks Louder: Emptiness and Receiving the Divine.
20-27: *Shaman 1: Living the DreamingBody. 8 days.
03-05: *Mimir’s Well: Archetypal Art Therapy. (Cape Town. Weekend. Non-residential)