Wild Cats: Tyger

Burning Tyger: Men’s Initiation Series

When a sensitive man, in his loneliness and existential insecurity, realizes his perspective can no longer support him, he opens to the possibility of a renewal. It demands courage to enter the fire of passion and blood. In the shadows of instinctual nature, a man awakens to the mystery, fear, and love of a creative force greater than himself. Only art and ritual can redeem a person from suffering and boredom, by uniting one with the gods. Freed from nostalgia and expectation, he becomes alive, receptive, and present to life.


Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry.

This strikingly sensuous image lies at the core of the Burning Tyger series. Within a dedicated circle of men, a broader sense of masculinity is explored and experienced. Join us for this challenging and creative journey.

The Course: This is a year-long learning experience. Attendance across the full series is essential. Exceptions under special circumstances only. For details, and to book your place, reply to workshops@tamboo.co.za

Workshop Dates 2023: Cape Town, non-residential: The Heavens 24-26 March. The Blood 23-25 June. The Raven 11-13 August. Knysna, residential: The Cypress 24-29 October.