Interactive Groups:
Playing on the Edges of Psychological Self-Therapy.
The Women’s Dream Circle, and The Men’s Table Interactive Groups are formed by a core group, usually between 6 and 10 members, who meet as equals to discuss their images, issues and ideas. These discussions are therapeutically oriented towards the psychological and mythological.
Previous experience in any sort of therapeutic work is not required. Meetings are held once a month when possible. The get-together lasts a few hours and usually includes homemade soup, good bread and tasty conversation. The interactive, self-empowering group work follows structural guidelines and draws on the innate wisdom and learning experience of all the members of that group. In this way, each person contributes to the dialogue to gain insight and clarity on concerns or conflicts that a person might be experiencing in their day-to-day lives.
The format was developed by the Tamboo Academy, based on a modified synthesis of different methods used in Group Therapy, Encounter Groups and traditional support groups. Correctly utilised, Interactive Groups could do away with much of the need for early traditional psychotherapy. Interactive Group meetings are led by qualified facilitators who have both the learning and experience to contain the complex matters that are sometimes discussed. There is usually a nominal cost involved.
Interactive Groups are facilitated in Cape Town by Anthea & Marcel Henry (Atlantic) Miriam & Oran Cohen (suburbs), Bianca & Gregor Röhrig (central), in Knysna by Claudia & Gareth Pretorius and in Amsterdam, Holland by Liesl & Chad Ehlers.
See TEACHERS for contact details.